Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy

Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy

Through practitioner assisted yoga postures and a dialogue process that is both open-ended and non-directive of the outcome of the session, the client is facilitated through an experience of him or herself in the present moment. And what ever happens in the present moment — physically, emotionally, intellectually and spiritually finds richness in relationship to the bigger picture of how that client is being in the world in daily life — work, play, family and relationships. Using focused breathing and the opportunity to verbalize the in-the-moment experiences — thoughts, emotions, sensations, memories — client experience such a connection as well as a deeper attunement to his/her own internal guiding compass.

Through this process of awareness and discernment, clients have the opportunity to release old undigested experiences, traumas, personal beliefs and out-of-date habits and patterns to then move more fully into life with new perspective and personal efficacy.

At The Lemon Tree Yoga and Healing Arts Studio, we offer Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy in one-on-one sessions, six-week group sessions, and a six-month mentorship program. Please click below for more information.

Individual Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy Sessions

Six-week Group Therapy Sessions

Six-Month Mentorship Program